Sign up for the first AS&C Hackathon!

Austin Safe and Clean is hosting a hackathon! Each judge is sponsoring a small cash prize to winning teams from community investors like FUTO and New Founding.

The primary challenge of the homeless crisis that Austin faces is our inability to understand the magnitude of the problem. We aren’t certain how many people experience homelessness or where to best distribute resources and outreach information. Understanding how many people are unhoused and where they are living is a good start to understanding how to best access and help them.

Austin Safe and Clean has been working with Nomadik and DASH to collect data on the homeless issue in Austin. Mapping campsites and debris using social media, news coverage, and with the Nomadik app that citizens can use to upload locations and photos of camps, debris and hazards.

To expand on this project, Austin Safe and Clean is hosting a Hackathon. We have secured sponsors who will judge and provide cash prizes to the projects with the greatest potential impact. If you're into using data and technology to solve civic issues, come participate with us! If you have a team or a project in mind, let us know when you register. If not, we’ll match you with other like minded antendees.

Friday May 17th AS&C will be hosting a happy hour at the event space at 7pm to let everyone get to know each other, bounce project ideas off of each other, and recruit for or create teams for anyone signing up on their own.


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Austin, Safe and Clean

Austin Safe and Clean (AS&C) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the wonderful, off-beat city its people — native and newcomer alike — love.
